Remote gate control
In today's security-conscious world, controlling access to your premises is crucial to safeguarding your assets and personnel. Remote gate control offers a powerful and efficient solution, providing enhanced security and streamlined access management.
Eliminate the Need for On-Site Security Guards
Our remote gate opening service eliminates the need for a dedicated night security guard, saving your company significant costs while maintaining around-the-clock security. Our monitoring center personnel can remotely control access to your premises, ensuring that only authorized individuals enter.
Secure Access Control with Intercom Integration
An intercom installed outside your entrance gate facilitates seamless communication with our control room. Authorized staff can contact our controllers via intercom, who can verify their identity through live CCTV or a password. Upon verification, the designated gate will be opened remotely, ensuring controlled access.
Tailored Solutions to Meet Your Specific Needs
We recognize that every business has unique security requirements. Our remote gate control services are fully customizable to meet your specific needs, ensuring tailored protection for your premises and assets.
Benefits of Remote Gate Control
- Enhanced security: Remote gate control provides an extra layer of security by preventing unauthorized access to your premises.
- Streamlined access management: Remote gate control allows you to control who enters your premises, even when you are not on-site.
- Reduced costs: Remote gate control can eliminate the need for a dedicated security guard, saving you money on labor costs.
- Peace of mind: Remote gate control can give you peace of mind by knowing that your premises are secure, even when you are not there.
Remote Guard Tours for Proactive Security Audits
Our controllers can conduct live camera tours of your premises at regular intervals, day or night. These remote guard tours not only deter intruders but also allow our team to assess camera quality and lighting conditions. Any identified issues are promptly communicated to your installation company for rectification.
Embrace the Power of Remote Gate Control
With our comprehensive remote gate control solutions, you can experience enhanced security, streamlined access management, and significant cost savings. Contact us today to discuss your specific requirements and discover how our remote gate control services can elevate your security posture.

Peace of mind
Contact us today to find out how we combine cutting-edge technology with real-time intelligence to keep you and your business safe. Email us at or complete the form.