The digital transformation of security and the role of AI
How digital transformation and AI are reshaping security now and in the future.
Embracing digital transformation
Digital transformation is reshaping security. Increasingly driven by the exponential progression of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and cloud computing, this transformation is enabling and advancing security officers, processes and services in many new ways. It’s a changing world, and at Securitas we’re committed to helping our clients navigate and understand its potential for the security of their business.
Download our free White Paper and learn more about: There role of AI in supporting human roles, remote security solutions and data analysis for business insight. The Cloud and security solutions.
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Enhancing human roles with artificial intelligence
AI is already supporting businesses across diverse sectors and in security, this aspect of digital transformation is enabling automation of certain tasks, but what we are really seeing is the great potential of AI to complement and enhance the officer’s role, not supplant it.
The rise of remote
Digital transformation and emerging technologies have significantly fuelled the growth and capabilities of remote security services. As remote solutions have become smarter and more cost effective, individuals and organisations alike have embraced the ability to remotely monitor homes or premises via apps and browsers.
Capitalizing on the cloud
Many businesses have spent the last few years migrating central components of their business operations to the cloud. The next natural development is to move their security systems’ servers off-premises as part of a ‘cloud-first’ strategy. And since AI’s enhanced detection and data analysis capabilities demand huge computing power, this is likely to accelerate the move.
Leveraging security systems for business insight
Although digital transformation in the business world is not new, it is only relatively recently that the value of ‘big data’ has really begun to be leveraged. In the security sector vast quantities of data are generated by multiple sources, for example via regular reporting across hundreds of sites, events and individuals, and millions of security sensors and devices.
Security as a Service - a foundation for security solutions
Just as Software as a Service helped drive digital transformation, and vice versa, the digital transformation of security is fuelling the rise of ‘Security as a Service’ (SECaaS) which offers organisations the benefits of end-to end security solutions with built-in scalability, accessibility, efficiency, and economy.
The digital transformation of security and the role of AI
From on-site officers to invisible cloud-powered solutions, security will continue to traverse both the physical and digital space. And while the digital transformation of security is well underway, the full potential of unique human capabilities combined with the power of technology is yet to be fully exploited, or even imagined.
What is not in doubt is that, for the foreseeable future, the best security will demand the best of people and technology, and the essential link between them – connectivity. With a global presence and expertise, Securitas is at the forefront of the digital transformation of security and will remain so.
Peace of mind
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